Hiking Tip


Here is a great outdoor, hiking, camping, life tip! Always keep a few of these lint rollers in you vehicle. After a hike in the great outdoors, and before you get back inside your vehicle take a second to lint roll all of your clothing thoroughly. What you find might surprise you! 

Ticks and Chiggers,  these little pests can cause all sorts of problems for you, your family, and your pets. Removing them ASAP is so important. I have taken every precaution before a hike to keep these bugs off of me but at the end of the day I always seem to find a few on my clothing. The last thing I want to do is bring them into my vehicle, and risk bringing them home. 

This lint roller has kept hundreds of ticks from getting to my skin, my car, my home, my dogs, and my family.  

Get Out There!! 

Composition Rule #5




Often times I find myself drawn to simple photography. By this I mean, a simple subject with simple colors, taken in a simple way. Take this tree, trees are everywhere, we have all seen them. The color pallet green and brown, nothing to flashy. But using the VIEWPOINT rule of composition makes this shot stand out. 

Viewpoint is a simple concept, and one of my favorite rules of composition. By changing the angle of the shot from what we see with our own eyes every day, and giving the viewer something completely different to look at you can create a shot that is more pleasing to the eye.  

The next time you are out taking photos, take the shot in three ways. First from eye level, next from ground level, and if possible from a birds eye view. You may need to get creative with this, maybe use a remote shutter or timer on your camera and holding your tripod by the legs above your head. You will look foolish I promise, but you might just get one of those wow shots that will make it all worth it!  


The shot above was taken in just that way, no fancy equipment, just holding my tripod up with both hands waiting for the timer to snap the photo. It took a few try's to get the right angle but I think in the end the shot is so much more interesting. your shots are only limited by your imagination.  So get out there and find a new VIEWPOINT!